Removing the Struggle

We all have days when we’re down or we can’t seem to get out of our own way. What then? The best thing we can do is to find a way to make peace with the struggle, so we can move beyond it and get back to creating a life we love.

How do we get out of our own way? Especially when we may not even be aware that we are in our own way, because it looks like we are trapped by circumstances or feel as if someone else has control over our life?  Slowing down and noticing when things are not working is one of the first steps to change.

I’m sure you’ve heard it said that for things to change we must change. When we change, the dynamic around us is forced to change as well. Which makes slowing down worth the effort. It may feel counter intuitive to slow down when we have so much to do, or feel rushed or pressured to perform.

Take control – slow down!

Bills need to be paid, kids need to be fed, the deal needs to get done – people are counting on us! But trust me, slowing down is the solution! It allows us to let things fall away that aren’t serving us and it allows things to fall into place. It all begins by slowing down internally. Something we do have control over!

To slow down we need to stop the negative chatter. When you find yourself stressing out. Just stop. Take a breath. Pause. Notice what your mind is automatically doing.  You can even acknowledge this internal negative tirade by mentally saying to yourself,

Thanks for sharing!

These small little actions interrupt our automatic way of being that has us wigging out. From here we can actually just learn to take a moment and breath. Taking long deep breaths interrupts our old programming along with our ideas of what we think everything is supposed to look like.

Breathe… be observant

This pregnant pause gives us a moment to choose to be different. It brings us to neutral or to the present moment.

All creation happens when we are present. From here, we can now be willing to be wrong about how things are supposed to look… maybe there is a better way of doing things?  When we actively choose to begin to think differently it gives us the space to accept things as they are right now, in this moment.

It’s time to choose your life in its present condition!  To help you do this and to harness the energy of creation one of my favorite mantras for acceptance- which then produces change is…

The Universe is always working FOR ME. I am blessed!

Mantra’s help to interrupt our old programming while creating new and empowering thoughts, which ultimately lead to new and improved experiences.  Use this one or create your own! Be playful and enjoy the process!




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